Archive for November, 2011


291111 – The day Malaysia gone backwards… again.

Alas… Najib and his BN government got their way… hastily bulldozed the Peaceful Assembly Bill through… Pakatan Rakyat MPs walked out in disgust and didn’t vote.. don’t know what the 7 “independents” did…

Bottomline – Malaysians now have less freedom.

We have GOSTAN in a big way today.

Members of Parliament who did not oppose the bill – The Rakyat shall never forget.

the rakyat awaits GE13


291111 Walk4Freedom – Pictures

Commentary not required…




291111 Walk4Freedom – Head Scratching moments

Not quite paranormal activites but sometimes I do wonder if these people are from the same planet.

Head Scratch #1

A bunch of youths (i’m talking non-voting age) showed up mysteriously off a coach with freshly unwrapped plain yellow t-shirts worn over whatever they were wearing when they left their homes…. “joined” the crowd at Lake Club when the 100+ rest of us gathered for the #Walk4Freedom led by the Bar Council.

They were strangely out of place and didn’t look comfortable…. and disappeared before the march after posing for photos to the press and bloggers.

When the main #Walk4Freedom group were rallying in front of the bridge towards parliament… a group of 50-60 Perkasa, Pekida on the other side started burning some stuff and cheering… HANG ON! The same t-shirts and banners that those youths had before burnt by the same buggers wearing them!!!! hahahaha…

Shiok Sendiri lah tu….

Head Scratch #2

In the spirit of #Walk4Freedom, Pekida and Perkasa fellas had every right to be there and do whatever they want peacefully.

They can indeed shout and sing anything they want, really.

Pekida + Perkasa - demonstrating in support of a "No Demonstration" law

However… they were screaming their heads off IN SUPPORT OF THE PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY BILL !!

I repeat…. IN SUPPORT of the bill. The same one that will make whatever crap they were doing right then… err. ILLEGAL!!

What was that song from the 90’s again?…. “Things that make you go hmmm..”


Bad Duet spoils a Beautiful Night

It was a brilliant night, weather wise… people power and youth spirits in the air..

A call for a peaceful gathering at our own Freedom Square, Dataran Merdeka – a symbol of our country’s independence, one of the most popular spot for locals and tourists to visit… especially on a night like this… for a group of people to speak freely of current socio-political issues, especially one that is hotly debated by individuals, civil society members and politicians.

What did the Government do? An order was given DBKL and PDRM combined to seal off the Dataran for “safety reasons”. Not even visiting families (long weekend) and tourists were allowed in.

When we pressed for reasons – we were audience to a 20-min comical duet between a PDRM ASP and the DBKL officer-on-duty telling us the other party was in charge… some samples of the duet dialogue:

  • “PDRM only closes the road… the Dataran is governed by DBKL.”
  • “DBKL rules say cannot enter between 1am and 6am (normally) but tonight the PDRM officers are here and they say no one can enter”

In the end, we were referred to a duet of boards hidden by the branches of an overgrown tree… a board that dates “1972”. The DBKL officer tried his best to read off it… the best he could do was telling us “so you see, we have rules…. you can enter the Dataran before 1am… but PDRM say tonight cannot” he started the chorus again without missing a beat.

Bottomline –  this group of intelligent and spirited citizen, made largely of youths whose peers are either busy at home on social media sites or downloading bootlegs, or at some parties taking candy pictures of themselves, was denied a platform once again.

Not to be deterred, they found their space at the footsteps of the Bar Council. The KL People’s Assembly by the Occupy Dataran group did convene afterall – peacefully, democratically, intelligently and with extremely constructive discussions and arguments.

Lots of sing along as usual

The KL People's Assembly in session

Shame on DBKL. Shame that it wasn’t allowed under the biggest flag pole standing.

symbol of independence and freedom - emptiness


KLCC – Peaceful Assembly, Public Protest and BERSIH too!

Hot and sunny Saturday afternoon… at Malaysia’s premier shopping mall and national icon… packed with locals and tourists… what did the KLCC management “coincidentally” decided to do?

Chin Huat saw the poetic irony in it too…. i was trying not to shake too much laughing and taking his pic.

The rest of the time was about a peaceful assembly, peaceful but strong public protest against a restrictive Bill and the ugly action of the government in trying to rush it through….


Until tonight at Dataran Merdeka, until we walk with the lawyers on Tuesday to Parliament to “let them hear it LOUD and CLEAR”.



Ariff says it best =

#Occupy and people's assembly


Tipu Malaysia… now “better” than Myanmar

The current government’s strategy – 2 steps forward for a photo session and nice headlines, then 5 steps back on the fine lines.

1) Universities and University Colleges Act (UUCA) to be amended to allow students above 21 to participate in political activities.While the AG appeal against the case that was recently rule for the “UKM4” students (same subject, same Act)

2) Printing Press and Publication Act – partial repeal. Regulations requiring annual renewal of press and publication licenses to be removed.
BUT – The home minister still have absolute power to decide on and  issue licences, on the conditions for the licences, and removal of licences. The Home Minister’s decision still cannot be challenged in court.

3) Police Act – to be repealed! – Hooray…. BUT (read below).
Lets put it this way – Myanmar (Yes, MYANMAR) just passed their own version of a Peaceful Assembly Bill… guess what? They have more freedom than us!!

Can’t wait to see the 2 replacements for ISA and EA… sure terror one!
For now… lets LET THEM HEAR IT!!!…
In Peaceful Assembly form lah.
Friday 25Nov 7.30pm – Candlight Vigil at Bar Council.
Saturday, 25Nov 2pm – KLCC Park
Saturday, 25Nov 7.30pm – Dataran Merdeka (will stay for the weekly #occupydataran assembly)
Also on Sat, Overseas Malaysians have also planned a GLOBAL ACTION DAY – 12 cities so far!!


NasiLemak 2020 gang’s latest..

Their finest yet… MUST WATCH!


We didn’t start the fire (local cover)

bloody excellent lah!!



Pesta PoAM, Sunday 10am – 5pm, 131111, KLCAH

Everyone should spend their Sunday at KLSCAH for this cool festival…

Gabungan Bertintak Malaysia…. lets action indeed!!

Pesta PoAM at KLSCAH


Satu satu satu satu satu satu TIPU!

11.11.11 came and went… what do we have to show for satu satu satu satu?

Sharizat lembu tipu… KJ nak tolong cover, tapi  nampak macam belum cucu minum susu

Hajj pun boleh shortcut? Tipu?

Chef Wan’s son confirmed Masterchef tipu…

GE13 tak jadi lagi… Tipu? belum sampai waktu? or  takde kuku?

Satu Malaysia feels more like Sapu Malaysia or Tipu Malaysia…



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A darkConscience on the deCadent state of affairs..

This blog promises strong opinions, which with my limited vocabulary, can often only be articulated in coarse words of different languages… Reader discretion is advised.... If u choose to read... and feel offended or cannot handle it... my apologies... Now... suck it up! or get d fuck outta here....

delCapo blogbegins…

... on d eve of Permatang Pauh's by election... ... on d eve of the most significant day in Malaysian recent history... ... which marks a sustained march towards a kicking out d useless, corrupted, lying, racist assholes running Malaysia Inc.
November 2011